as i woke up yesterday morning.....several....not so pleasurable things's liek dat.....which prompted me to look 4 part-time jobs.....considering the situation i'm in now....but this oso helped me coincidentally to actually hav found a forum which tells me more about achieving my dream.....reading this forum....i actually feel dat my dream would become......a reality itself....i poured my attention 4 the next 3 hours scouring thru the posts previous ppl had posted.......
i fulfilled every requirement needed.....almost all,xept 4 swimming(dunno swim......)....all i needed was the chance to get interview and pass all its test to be accepted.....i'd be more den willing to try out 4 it.....put my heart my passion my soul unto it......just so dat i can fulfill this dream of mine.....i'm willing to stop halfway on my engineering to pursue this if given the chance.....but there's so many doubts.....soooo many.....till i begin to doubt myself.....was it possible....i thought....all this years.....will this just stay as a dream 4 me??i will pray....pray hard....4 this chance to be finally grasp the sky wif my own 2 feel....the meaning of 'freedom'...........mmmmmm..........!!
n so i decided to package everytin well enough 4 a good 1st impression.....mending my common looking resume....trying to find ways to excite it in a good format.....i'm so excited.....dat afta reading all the post....i hav no need for waiting 4 the intake to open....but just go n send ahead 1st 4 the interview and test....n possibly den if i pass i can wait till the next intake to enter.....i'm really praying dat this might actually work out.....n dat i can actually pass dat awfully hard test(or presumably so) dream cannot be taken down just liek this!!!bless me oh Lord~~!!!
MAS or Air Asia.....only 2 possibilities 4 me to SQ only takes in their 'home' citizens....hmmm...actually air steward oso not bad geh if cannot be pilot....but air steward's job is so hectic....'service' kononnya.....i can c unappreciative and tak munasabah faces of the 'clients/customers' already.....sumtimes outrageously obnoxious!!air steward/stewardess are oso humans pls!!!dun make things hard 4 every1!!.....=.=""""".......humans ain't born perfect@@!!hopefully......pray dat i may succeed!!!my dream to fly!!!!!vrrrrroooooommmmm!!!!!seronoknya.....:P
2day is dreams day.....because as i was looking 4 part-time jobs.....i found something as they call themselves.....they have liek so many creations of cakes!!so lovely!!nyaamm nyaamm~~!!!i have alwayz thought of becoming a pastry chef too!!!because i love to eat sweet things and c pretty things!!though i ain't good at art itself.....but i appreciate the beauty of pretty artworks!!just makes ur mouth drool and ur heart melts!!!but i din noe where to start.....and my parents wouldn't allow such things to happen....lolx....i's only possible to become my hobby baking sweet things liek cookies and cakes....T.T......try out's got many lovely designs on cakes.....gosh...i wanna work there int he kitchen....hehehe.......makes me wanna bake cookies already....gonna try out something this weekend......sumtin cheap....yet tasty!!!cooking n baking^^my favzz!!!
i personally love this!! coz it's pinkish and pretty(cute too!!)!!!:P
engineering is so so not fitting 4 me....aizz...but the only choice 4 me....with/without interest.....i can only continue wif so lil passion....still amazed at how i can actually continue in a state liek this......but many years liao....gradually becoming better...lolx....mebe used to it study oni loh.....aizz....helps me in applying for a CPL(Commercial Pilot License) coruse too...:P....helps me get a place easier without a big shot recommendation.....awww....but thiknig bout the debts i'm gonna hav to bear afta grad....oso dunno how...mebe work 1 year or so 1st....and 25 go apply....coz 26 is age olllllddddd.................need save money d pls gimmeee......gimme jobsss and cash beta.....:P....let everytin go well plsss!!!!
songss!!-been listening much to instrumentals this day....OST from FF and hanazakiri kimi no tachi e!!it's been good....and found some rather good singers....but forgot the names and i'm not at my laptop now....writing from cendi...lolx.....anyway will post some up...soon....if i feel liek it....thx 4 reading newayz....:P
just end wif a simple prayer......
Lord help us in our ways...for we alone cannot bear to take our path by ourselves...less we make mistakes more and more till they us each day as we go decisions we can't make or can make, guide us still and lead us to the path dat has been set right by You.Let us not falter to temptations or any wickedness and strengthen us to guard all evil....i pray for every1 dat they may all be bless abundantly according to Your will....Bless us all wif good health....Bless us all in everytin we do dat we do it right in Your eyes....Pray dat everytin goes well 4 me and every1 too.....Forgive us all 4 our wrongdoings and set us right from wrong.....Pray and thank you Lord.....In Jesus name....Amen!!
i love cooking and baking tooooo. when u coming to nz la..... quickly learn how to fly then come here ba..then give me all the flight's discount
lolx...hopefully leh...sobzzz...:P
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