Thursday, November 12, 2009

faith.......n me.........

ta-daaaa imaaaa!!!!!i'm back....afta 2 months of neglecting this lil space of mine where i spout my innocent happenings unskillfully.....iro iro aru'n ne.....exams assignments and are all but an excuse 4 me to get lazy.....XD

just as how it's been with me and God.....not to say dat i've exactly neglected Him,but still....i've neglected the things i ought to a christian.......and it's not just a day or two event....but it's been ongoing for quite some time...hmm..perhaps let's say mebe 3 years??it's gotten worse...n got beta b4....but it's practically still hanging by a thread,left without any conclusion or watsoeva......i still do prayers on the run,but neva on any quiet time......coz quiet time dun quite actually exist anymore!!i've only read verses on irregular interval......i really really feel that i'm a lost sheep,strayed away from the path........pretty pretty guide me once more pls????

well i can blame it on being imperfect/human as i am.....excuses are plenty,but rather knowing excuses are only there to cover denial.....i've still continued doing so.....when i do this things i often remember how fervent i was when i was in secondary school....i was so God-fearing...lolx....i mean was so much more God-fearing.....not to say dat it isn't so now.....i was diligent in forcing myself to have a quiet time/prayer every day.....i was reminded of Him in all i do....i was careful not to make mistakes....even mistaken non-mistakes as mistakes......XD...due to my oh how wonderful 'cleverness'....but i noe God has alwayz been a great God....but no matter how many times i've fallen short of His expectations,yet He still brings me back.....just like in the story of the prodigal's son....

(LUKE 15:11-32) ---Many of us have and learned from it the character of God. In a nutshell, there was a rich man who had two sons one of them decided he wanted to receive his inheritance right away. When he did he ran off to the Las Vegas of his time and was living large. Fancy meals, lavish lodging, extravagant relationships, his own personal entourage until the money ran out. Then he was left in the gutter all alone facedown in the waste. In that sobering moment he reflected on his life and remembered that he never went without when he lived with his father. So he decided to return home with his head held low in hopes to live the rest of his life as a nameless servant working his master's fields. When the son neared the estate his father noticed him from far away. The father could no longer hold back his joy and dashed across the fields. Picture the aged nobleman running frantically toward the downcast son. Finally when the father reached his son he embraced him and welcomed him back into the family. He even directed one of his servants to restore his position and prepare a welcoming party. We have all sinned and fallen short of God's best wishes for us. The important thing to remember is that when we decide to come back to him he will run to us and restore us into his family.

God is great huh?!!!at times i really prefer that i wasn't given freedom to choose,so then i wouldn't have to make mistakes,sin and yeah things like keeping myself on track.....haha...but God takes pride in our decision to stick to what he has planned 4's like u r happier when sum1 u just taught appreciated wat u did and followed all that u have taught(provided it's the right thing)....den if u forcefully forced dat certain person to do as u say.......1 of free will....and another of authority......of course common sense tells u...the first choice would be POM has taught us,true leaders are influential!!!i love POM.....XD......God is a great Him for answers~!!

i just wrote this post in reminder of myself struggling WITH start i ain't exactly a 'successful' person....therefore i bring 'shame' to the name to many thru this vessel of mine.....aizz....hopefully sumday things will change 4 the beta....just hope dat i really can get back on track soon...hehe sumtin i've been saying all the time.....perhaps like wat leo shikamaru......willing but just greatest sin...laziness!!!things ought a change!!!!all said but notin done....aikawarazu ne.....just pray that all may fall in plan....and for all my frens and family,may all be well.......

Self-Achieved Goal: 80% left to completion of self-renewal.......